Vibrators Main Stream and Beyond …
By Sara Twogood, MD
Vibrators are becoming commonly discussed and widely available– they’re selling them at the Targets and Walmarts of the world.
The economics of sex toys shows this popularity. In 2022, the sex toy industry in its entirety, worldwide, had an estimated valuation of about $41 billion worldwide. Vibrators themselves are seeing huge growth potential with an estimation of $33.4 billion by the year 2030. So yes, we will be seeing more and more vibrators and I’m here to promote them too!
Why? More people are talking about the importance of sexual health – including us at Female Health Education. And because of this discussion, a formerly “taboo” topic is taboo no longer – leading to more conversations, more empowerment, and more people spending money to help themselves celebrate and enhance their sex function.
This movement did not happen overnight – it has been in the works for decades (centuries?).
Let me demonstrate with my favorite examples:
What’s the point of all this?
To show you vibrators are nothing to be embarrassed or shy about! They’re everywhere and have been for a while.
Next week I’m giving tips on buying vibrators – what to look for, where to buy them, and more!
Stay tuned.