Sex Education
for the whole family
Our family workshops are designed to help parents talk to their kids about sex and their changing bodies.
We emphasize a parent led message focused on building safety, confidence, and sex positive information.
As physicians and parents of tweens we are right here with you.
Choose the option that best fits your needs:
Parents Only Workshop
Physician led in-person small group workshop
* 90 minute session. Includes approx 50 min talk with time for question and answer
* Up to 10 adults
* Follow up access to Drs. Quimby and Twogood via email
* $2000 (additional travel time if outside immediate Los Angeles area will apply)
Virtual Workshop
Physician led virtual small group workshop
* 90 minute session. Includes approx 50 min talk with time for question and answer
* Up to 25 adults
* Follow up access to Drs. Quimby and Twogood via email
* $1500
Parent + T(w)een Workshop
Physician led in-person small group workshop.
One physician leads the parent group while the other, simultaneously but separately, leads the t(w)een group
* 90 minutes session. Each group will have approx 50 min talk followed by time for Q+A
* Up to 10 adults and 10 t(w)eens
* Workshop intended for female t(w)eens
* Follow up access to email following program
* $3000 (additional travel time may apply if outside immediate Los Angeles area)
Self guided digital series
Digital version of our Parents Only Workshop
* Almost 2 hours of content
Lessons include:
* What Sex Positive Parenting Is and the data behind it
* The Timeline of Puberty – what to expect and common issues to be aware of
* Sex Ed – the past, present, and future
* Data on Sex in Teens
* How to prepare for “the Talk” and why one talk on this isn’t your best strategy
* How to talk about healthy relationships, consent, masturbation and MORE
* Resources
* $100
Please email INFO@FEMALEHEALTHEDUCATION.COM to coordinate times and dates.
We look forward to working with you!
More information about our doctors:
Dr. Quimby’s passion is education. As a former professor at USC Keck School of Medicine, she lead the required OBGYN clerkship. For years, she mentored and taught each 3rd year medical student at the Keck School of Medicine, both in the classroom and the hospital. She developed innovative curriculum to round out education and received accolades as a teacher and physician. In her current role at Cedars Sinai, she continues her role of teaching medical students and residents. Patients have equally recognized this passion for teaching and Dr. Quimby consistently receives the highest marks from patients.
Dr. Twogood’s passion is promoting and demystifying health information to the public. Her blog, Dr. Sara Twogood’s LadyParts Blog, provides comprehensive information about pregnancy and gynecology topics. She is on the medical board for the period tracker app Flo; contributes as a medical expert for The Bump (a pregnancy app and website); and serves on both Parents Magazine and Byrdie Beauty and Wellness Review Board ( As a former professor at USC Keck School of Medicine, she gave talks to the community about various topics in OBGYN.