“What discovery have you made that really made vaginal penetration more pleasurable for you?”
By Sara Twogood, MD
OMGYES is a sex positive website trying to give people specific instructions on how to masturbate (I mean, its whole intent is more than just that, but you get the gist).
What’s even more admirable is that they did a research study and asked females the question: “What discovery have you made that really made vaginal penetration more pleasurable for you?”
How did they study this?
Through social media ads, they found more than 4000 females who answered a series of questions about women’s discoveries and experiences with genital stimulation and sexual pleasure. Of these 4000+ women, 1000 were invited to do a longer open interview with the researchers. These interviews were then analyzed to look for trends.
So what were their findings? Do these women know something we don’t? The point of reading the paper is to find out … but I’ll do you a solid and summarize it here!
Researchers identified “four previous unnamed, but distinct, techniques women use to make vaginal penetration more pleasurable: Angling, Rocking, Shallowing and Pairing”
Angling is “rotating, raising, or lowering the pelvis / hips during penetration to adjust where inside the vagina and toy or penis rubs and what it feels like”
Rocking is “the base of a penis or sex toy rubbing against the clitoris constantly during penetration, by staying all the way inside the vagina rather than thrusting in and out.”
Shallowing : penetrative touch just inside the entrance of the vagina – not the outside, but not deep inside. This can be done with a penis, finger, sex toy, tongue (anything).
Pairing is touching the clitoris with a finger or sex toy at the same time as vaginal penetration. “Solo pairing” is when the woman does this herself; “partner pairing” is when the partner does this.
The take home message from me?
Vaginal penetration alone is NOT enough for women to feel the extent of their sexual pleasure. Eighty-five percent of women need to have clitoral stimulation to orgasm.
During sexual intercourse, use these techniques (or some you make up on your own) to make sex pleasurable for you!