Research about Big Peppermill Dick Peter
By Sara Twogood, MD
We’re scooting through the sexual health content goldmine Sex and the City to Season 1: Episode 3: Bay of Married Pigs
Carrie’s research topic this episode: Is there a secret cold war between married and singles?
Obviously a peppermill is big. And a penis being compared to a peppermill is classic. But is it accurate?
A standard Peugeot peppermill looks pretty close to the one in the show – dimensions coming in at a solid 12” tall.
How much bigger that average is this? What is an average penis size – especially of the flaccid sort that Carrie saw?
As always, we look to the medical literature to answer our question and you guessed it - there are studies that answer the age-old question of “what is the average penis size?”
I can’t say I did extensive research on this – our standard Google AI Overview gives us a pretty helpful overview to answer our question in addition to some reassurances:
“Smaller flaccid penises tend to lengthen more than larger ones when erect” and
“Most men have a penis size that’s adequate for sexual functioning. There’s no need to worry about the size of your penis, because all sizes are normal”
But here’s what this helpful piece of literature tells us:
For all these percentiles, let me remind you that 50th percentile is average.
40th percentile is a little small than average, 60th percentile a little larger than average.
There is a lot of common variation, as we know.
But, in general, <10th percentile is considered uncommonly small and >90th percentile is considered uncommonly big.
So with those numbers in mind, let’s take a look at the data.
One of the questions reviewed in this study: is there a correlation between foot size and penis length? According to one study the stretched length of penis is weakly correlated with foot size. Another study found no correlation at all. Jury is still out.
At the end of the day, if we’re looking at the research on Big Peppermill Dick Peter – coming in at an estimated 12 inches / 30 cm in the flaccid state … well, it is literally off the chart. Big congrats.