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Orgasm, Sexual Wellness Sara Twogood Orgasm, Sexual Wellness Sara Twogood

Top tips to make sex more pleasurable

Vaginal penetration alone is NOT enough for women to feel the extent of their sexual pleasure. Eighty-five percent of women need to have clitoral stimulation to orgasm. This means that a sex toy or finger or penis inside the vagina, and ONLY inside the vagina, is missing the mark (literally and figuratively).

Want to know our top tips to make penetration more pleasurable? I bet. Here they are!

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Sexual Wellness, Lubricants + Sex Toys Sara Twogood Sexual Wellness, Lubricants + Sex Toys Sara Twogood

A patient message about water-based lube

“Can you please recommend a lubricant for sexual activity? I have heard that baby oil may cause infections. You and I discussed coconut oil but I think oils may be too messy. How about something water based like KY Jelly classic? But I also read that water based lubricants may cause infections more than silicone or oil based, and that water based lubricants actually require reapplication and can dry out tissues”.

Yes, patients send these types of messages! And yes, I answered with the right lubricant for her.

Let’s go through her message and see if everything she “heard” / “read” (translation: what the internet says) is correct!

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